Maui Surfing, The mecca for beginners and pros alike.
Maui is the second largest of the Hawaiian Islands. In Maui, you will find beautiful beaches with black, white, or red sand. It is surrounded by 30 miles of sandy beaches although that being said most surfing beaches are on top of reefs so protection gear must be worn for surfers. Maui’s diverse beach breaks, means it has something for everyone.
Maui is the perfect place for beginner surfers or just people taking their first lesson.
The profilic number of suitable gentle surf spots mean there is a equal number of learn to surf schools.
Some places are so shallow, you don't need to know how to swim!
Mauai, is also home to some of the best surf breaks in the world, so there is plenty of opportunity for experienced surfers to be challenged.
Surfing in Maui is a way of life for many of the people lucky enough to be residents here. Although the water is not as crowded as some spots on Hawaii, it nevertheless can seem crowded for a tourist who may fear the dreaded anger of a dropped in local!
Maui has both small and large surf and although there are many well know beaches, there are also plenty of quiet secret spots with good surf if you know where to go.
If you are a surfing traveler, and you want some uncrowded surf, we suggest you hook up with a private surf tour company on the island-it is well worth it!
During the summer months expect to surf the southern shores of the islands. On Maui the name spot would have to be Maalaea, home of the fastest right hand break in the state. On Oahu it would be Sandy's, Diamond Head, Queen's, No. Three's, Kaiser's, Ala Moana Bowls, Tennis Courts, Concessions, Big Rights, Kewalo's and Point Panic just to name a few. In the winter months the focus switches to the northern shores. On Maui there's Hookipa and probably the most beautiful right-hand wave in the world, Honolua Bay. On Oahu the energy will be at spots like Sunset, Pipeline, Waimea Bay and Makaha.

The islands of Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and Maui