Bamboo Orchid Cottage Bed & Breakfast

A stay at the Bamboo Orchid Cottage Bed & Breakfast will surely thrill you with its newly designed and built Craftsman Cottage style lodging that come with comfortable beddings, private baths, cozy fireplaces and a gourmet tropical Hawaiian breakfast. Bamboo Orchid Cottage Bed & Breakfast is located in the storybook village of Volcano, Hawaii, a place where many Hawaiian artists, writers and scientists come from. This resort hotel's secluded location enhances the ambience of total tranquility, isolation and peace. This is the perfect place for you if you want to temporarily stay away from all the hustles and bustles of city life. Bamboo Orchid Cottage Bed & Breakfast is actually just five minutes away from the entrance of the well known Hawaiian tourist spot, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. From there, you have an enjoyable view of the impressive hiking trails, picturesque landscapes and lava views.

Hotel amenities

Hotel Amenities include breakfast so you will not have a problem even if you have a hearty appetite early in the day. At Bamboo Orchid Cottage, the staff makes sure you'll enjoy eating breakfast. In fact, they have a complimentary eat-all-you-can breakfast which has been a favorite of guests who have stayed and who return to Bamboo Cottage. It is a gourmet menu prepared using the local tropical food, an offering that you will only find in this hotel. And if you are a tea or coffee lover, you'll be delighted with the freshly ground and brewed cappuccino, latte and natural hot chocolate drink they will serve you straight from their espresso bar; straight from Bamboo Cottage’s own home-grown premium teas and coffee beans.

Guests will delight in the deliberately appointed soaring 20' Great Room ceiling, hardwood floors, lava rock fireplace, and Hawaiian craftsman accents. All the hotel rooms feature deluxe and handmade sheets and beddings, and a range of spa services that you will only usually find in expensive resort hotels, but at twice Bamboo Cottage’s price. There is a wide variety of rooms to choose from; down from a budget or cheap hotel rate, up to a reasonable hotel rate.

Accommodation rates

Hotel rates range from $ 139- $ 189 depending on the rooms chosen. The Wild Ginger Room, which is for double occupancy can be had for $ 149 per night with a minimum of 2 nights stay. You can also take advantage of special price discounts, which Bamboo Cottage usually offers like their present offer of only $ 119 per 2 nights stay upon booking until June 15, 2009. There’s also the Enchanted Forest Studio that runs at a rate of $ 159 per night; double occupancy, with minimum of 2 nights stay. The Kipuka Room, on one hand, may be availed at $ 139 only. Another option would be to take the Royal Orchid Suite which comes for $ 179 per night; double occupancy; with minimum of 2 nights stay. Gift baskets and Treasured Memories Packages are given as gifts to couples having their honeymoon or anniversary.

Other features of Bamboo Orchid Cottage Bed & Breakfast

There are so many activities you may do while in Bamboo Cottage Bed & Breakfast Hotel. You may plan a picnic lunch or a day of climbing the hiking trails; or exploring the rainforests of Hawaii. Volcano Village is just a 3-hour drive from the major airports in Kailua -Kona and 45 minutes from Hilo. From either direction on Highway 11 when you reach Volcano Village turn onto Pearl Ave at the 28-mile marker. (A right from Kona, 1 mile after the National Park entrance or a left from Hilo before you get to the Park) Continue on Pearl to 10th St. and make a right. Look for the Bamboo Cottage sign a short way down the street on the left. A solar lit, flower lined drive will lead you to the parking area and the front door. A stay at the Bamboo Cottage Bed & Breakfast may just be what you need to have the best vacation of your life.